Monica Violeta Achim

Babeș-Bolyai University Romania

Monica Violeta Achim is full professor and doctoral supervisor in the field of Finance at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. With over 24 years of experience in academia, she has published as author and co-author over 150 scientific articles and 25 books. Her most recent reference work is the book Economic and financial crime. Corruption. Shadow economy and Money laundering, published in co-authored by international publishing house Springer. In 2020 she obtained the Award for Excellence in Scientific Research at Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Cluj-Napoca. Romania, as a recognition of the results obtained in the research activity. She leads a big grant titled 'Intelligent analysis and prediction of the economic and financial crime in a cyber-dominated and interconnected business world”, conducted over the period 2021-2023, financed from the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research. CNCS - UEFISCDI. project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2174 (

Monica Violeta Achim

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